Attachment Wounds

Healing Relationships and Embracing Connection

What are Attachment Styles?

We all come to our relationships with limited beliefs we have been carrying with us since our childhoods. These limited beliefs show up in our relationships in how we feel safe or unsafe. Attachment styles influence how people manage conflict, communicate in romantic partnerships, and why one may feel activated or upset by their partner. We show up as Secure, Avoidant, Anxious, Disorganized or a blend.

The Different Attachment Styles


People with this attachment style often seek high levels of intimacy, approval, and responsiveness from their partners. They may become overly dependent. Anxious attaches tend to worry about their relationships and fear abandonment.


Individuals with a secure attachment are comfortable with intimacy and independence. They are able to form healthy, valancedd relationships where they trust others and feel confident in themselves. 


Those with an avoidant attachment tend to value independence to the extent that they avoid close relationships. As the relationship progresses they may appear aloof, emotionally distant, and self-reliant. 


Individuals who are disorganized or fearful-avoidant experience mixed feelings about close relationships, both desiring and fearing them. They may have difficulty trusting others and managing their emotions, often leading to unpredictable behavior in relationships. 

, Attachment Wounds