
Improving you partnership.

Couples therapy is a worthwhile step for partners to take in mending feelings of betrayal. Partner betrayal is a form of trauma that is derived from a lack of communication, infidelity and/or abusive tendencies in a relationship. The feelings of partner betrayal can take an extreme toll on couples, but this doesn’t mean that the relationship can’t be rebuilt.

It is common for someone dealing with partner betrayal to have feelings of anxiety and depression. Other repercussions may include PTSD, such as insomnia, emotional numbness, and irrational behavior. Feelings of distrust, along with the tendencies to second guess your actions are factors that one might face. While this is devastating, a couple can rebuild from betrayal. Couples therapy can help assist in the healing process; it can guide partners back to the healthy relationship they once had.

What Does Couples Therapy Provide?

Creating Empathy: Learn how to lean into your partner’s wounds and express empathy. 

Conflict Resolution: Develop healthy strategies to manage and resolve conflicts. 

Strengthened Connection: Create emotional and physical intimacy.

Repaired Trust: Understand what broken trust does to an individual and learn skills to repair. 

Mutual Understanding: Gain deeper insights into each other’s perspectives and experiences. 

Don’t let unresolved issues drive a wedge between you and your partner. Take the first step towards healing and growth. Marci is trained in working on betrayal within the relationship and working with you, as a couple, to develop needs specific to your situation.